CD 转盘

二手器材 >>音源

发布者: hifi8888 来 自:
发布时间: 2006-04-09 19:57:55 付款方式: 支付宝
到期时间: 两年 成色:
价格: 3500RMB 运输公司: 顺丰快递
销售地点: 讨论 返回本版
评述: Kenwood 健伍纯CD 转盘 DP-X9010,110/220V,全机九成新.渎碟非常快.己改古河镀金IEC插
座,内电源接改用JENSEN 2MM 最粗的单支纯银线(见图). 更换2条新皮带,其它没修麾.显示
图片: 图片1    图片2    图片3    
回复人: hifi8888 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-10 20:00:07 讨论 返回本版
评述: 楼上的朋友,你在广州看到这台YL1K多没拿下是走宝啦,下次不用考虑.以中价机来说它要给
我刚出掉的Marantz 72MKII 好太多,定位,分柝力都给72MKII好.下班回来再接上听一下,决
定留下,有空再把它全麾挑战我的马克31.5. 在此谢谢各位关注.封贴!!
回复人: wc 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-10 14:19:36 讨论 返回本版
评述: 本人曾在掏宝上 看到这DD 好象只有1K多啊 这是正宗的YLJ啊
回复人: hifi8888 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-09 21:36:55 讨论 返回本版
评述: 是吗?本人喜欢不停的买入音源,管它贵还是便宜.家里光CD转盘就5台,因看到新目标,所以
回复人: 风速01 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-09 21:08:19 讨论 返回本版
评述: 给你看这个价格表,是想说,这个老爷机器最多也就是2K
回复人: hifi8888 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-09 21:03:44 讨论 返回本版
评述: 风速01兄,这评论不错啊,够音乐味,分柝力好.那找的? 比尔兄你说的对,TP-1听人声小品一
回复人: 风速01 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-09 20:41:57 讨论 返回本版
评述: 为避免价格问题,特找来帖子,可以参考。
Audiolab 8000 CDM £1249 Aug 94 Distinguished by a wide array of failities,
Thoughtfully designed and high quality.
Cyrus Disc Master £1800 Jul 94 Smooth and cohesive. The Disc Master looks
good and comes with the Dac Master within the price.
DPA Enlightenment £695 Mar 95 Solid and lifelike sound with Rock music and
full bodied on Classical.
Kenwood DP-X9010 £530 Feb 92 Superb build for the money and a very musical
sound. Benefits greatly from clocking.
Micromega Duo £3435 Apr 93 Excellent build quaity and a sound quality to
Monarchy DT-40A £1595 Jun 94 Isnít cheap but has a solid dependable sound with
a big, powerful presentation.
Parasound C/BD-2000 £1695 Jun 97 The belt drive is an interesting idea but the
Parasound is bettered by cheaper transports.
PT Cardinal £1440 Feb 95 Heart-stopping speed and impact contribute to what is
an exceptionally good machine.
Rotel RDD-980 £450 Jul 96 Good, clean dynamic sound with a neutral and pure
midrange tone.
Sonic Frontiers 3 £6999 Sep 98 A handsome machine both sonically and æ
sthetically. We love the camera aperture-style loading system.
Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 £2295 Aug 96 Top flight machine with an easy, musical
and enjoyable sound, for those that can afford it.
Teac P-30 £2500 Jun 97 Costs a lot of money and sounds nothing short of
Teac VRDS T1 £499 Feb 95 Enjoyable player with good insight. Good finish and
keen pricing make it a thoroughly good buy.
Thorens TCD 2000 £900 Jun 96 A soft and warm sound will please vinyl lovers,
but itís not the last word in detail.
XTC CDT1 £1200 Apr 96 A warm and musical sound with a taste of high-end
refinement and detail.
回复人: 比尔 来 自:
回复时间:: 2006-04-09 20:24:33 讨论 返回本版
评述: 顶...... 换一次箱多一次烦恼.不过大箱是好听.
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